Monica : photos

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photos ( page 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 )

You may already know that Fredrik and I are big fans of Babylon 5, but here is the proof. It just so happened that as I was updating my B5 site, I found an announcement in the newsgroups about a special and exclusive event which J. Michael Straczynski (writer/creator of B5) would be attending in Vancouver, BC. JMS is an extremely busy man and does not do appearances often but since he is now working in BC on a new project (B5: Legend of the Rangers, a TV movie/possible series for the SciFi Channel), he agreed to do this one. So, I had the incredible good luck to participate in a gathering of fans from the Northwest on this very special occasion.

I used Photoshop to brighten up the pictures since they were so dark so I hope they turned out OK. We have a new digital camera that we are still trying to learn how to use properly and the lighting in the lecture hall was very dim. There is a great report (and some more pictures) about the Gathering written by some of the organizers. Also, if you recognize any of the events/pictures/stories that go with these pictures, please email me.

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May 27th, 2001
I got a fairly good photo of the end of the autograph line with Jennie Hogan (Na'Feel), Myriam Sirois (Sarah Cantrell) and a potential favorite, Warren Takeuchi (Kitaro Sasaki).
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May 27th, 2001
Guess what this photo is ... no really ... guess! Ok, you are right ... I thought what better way to memorialize this occasion but to have a picture of some random guy's head and the ceiling. [:)]
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May 27th, 2001
JMS was posing for a photo for someone else and I was trying to capitalize on their photo-op. However, I got there too late and the previous picture was the result of that effort. Thankfully, JMS saw this and kindly asked the fans in line to part for a moment and I got this nice shot.
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May 27th, 2001
Another peak through the fan line at Myriam (Sarah) who has as pretty of a name as she is in person.
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May 27th, 2001
Here we are getting close to our turn in the autograph line and I took a picture down the line. The Great Maker, Alex (Dulann), Enid Raye (Firell), Gus (Tirk), and Dean (Malcolm) at the beginning of the next table.
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May 27th, 2001
One more picture down the autograph line. What a thrill this was!
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May 27th, 2001
Alex (Dulann) and Enid Raye (Firell) signing autographs with Gus (Tirk) in the back. There were quite a few digital cameras and it looks like Enid was checking out a photo that a fan took.
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May 27th, 2001
A good picture of JMS, Alex (Dulann) and Enid Raye (Firell). Interesting that they sat the two Minbari next to each other. [:)] Plus, you can see a few things that we got signed at the bottom-left of the photo.
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May 27th, 2001
Ah, what a great picture of some of the cast. There is Dean (Malcolm), Jennie (Na'Feel) posing with a funny face with Myriam looking on with amusement. I wonder how comfortable these actors are with getting so many pictures in such a small amount of time? However, they were great about it and seemed to truely enjoy being there.
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May 27th, 2001
This is Myriam (Sarah) and Warren (Kitaro) ... a cute couple (if they were a couple, which they are not) and I thought they were the cutest out of a bunch of great looking folks.

photos ( page 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 )

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