Monica : photos

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photos ( page 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 )

You may already know that Fredrik and I are big fans of Babylon 5, but here is the proof. It just so happened that as I was updating my B5 site, I found an announcement in the newsgroups about a special and exclusive event which J. Michael Straczynski (writer/creator of B5) would be attending in Vancouver, BC. JMS is an extremely busy man and does not do appearances often but since he is now working in BC on a new project (B5: Legend of the Rangers, a TV movie/possible series for the SciFi Channel), he agreed to do this one. So, I had the incredible good luck to participate in a gathering of fans from the Northwest on this very special occasion.

I used Photoshop to brighten up the pictures since they were so dark so I hope they turned out OK. We have a new digital camera that we are still trying to learn how to use properly and the lighting in the lecture hall was very dim. There is a great report (and some more pictures) about the Gathering written by some of the organizers. Also, if you recognize any of the events/pictures/stories that go with these pictures, please email me.

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May 27th, 2001
The Gathering was held at Simon Frasier University in one of their lecture rooms (or so it seemed) and this is the first picture of the room from below. The only complaint I have about this venue is that it was -VERY- warm. Travis Lauricella has kindly identified some of the people in this photo. At the bottom from left to right: Robb (hiding from the camera), Jeremy, Kim, and Travis (in the white T-shirt).
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May 27th, 2001
Here is another shot of the Gathering with a little wider angle. You can see Fredrik to the left of the guy with the video camera near the middle of the shot. Travis Lauricella has kindly identified some of the people in this photo. At the bottom from left to right: Robb (hiding from the camera), Jeremy, Kim, and Travis (in the white T-shirt).
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May 27th, 2001
Here is the screen where we will be watching a Crusade episode plus some other goodies that JMS brought. John Francis is on the left and Dennis Kristos is in the center doing list updates. Dennis is nw-b5's Media Liaison and Information Coordinator.
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May 27th, 2001
Here is John Francis who did a great job helping organize and orchestrate this event. It was hard to get any good pictures since the flash usually reflects off of the closest thing (which was usually someone's head).
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May 27th, 2001
Oops! I accidently took another picture while I was putting the camera away and got a good photo of Fredrik's Coke can.
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May 27th, 2001
I guess Fredrik took this beautiful picture of a nice model of an Omega Class Starfury that was sitting on the podium. According to John Francis, this belongs to John Gee who is nw-b5's merchandising coordinator and he commissioned Dennis Kristos to build it a few years back.
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May 27th, 2001
Again, another surprise picture from my husband. This one is of what appears to be a model of the Babylon 5 space station. According to John Francis, this belongs to John Gee who is nw-b5's merchandising coordinator and he commissioned Dennis Kristos to build it a few years back.
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May 27th, 2001
Here is Dennis Kristos again who did a brief introduction to "Racing the Night" episode of Crusade. This was the episode that JMS intended to have as the first one shown but TNT screwed that up and made him make so-so one instead. It was nothing new to me since I have watched the re-ordered episodes on SciFi Channel.
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May 27th, 2001
JMS arrived to a standing ovation! However, he had to make a re-entry since John Francis apparantly "f#cked" up the great synopsis of the Babylon 5 storyline showed on the big screen. [:)]
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May 27th, 2001
So here is JMS again after we watched the Babylon 5 overview which lasted about five minutes.

photos ( page 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 )

· monica · webstuff · fredrik · photos · kohler · abyss · fuzzy · sadie · toad · dreams · · old ·

There have been 56,778 people fishing around here since May 30th, 2001. The true source code of this page can be viewed at gathering0501_pg1.txt and it was last modified October 12th, 2001 at 00:13 PST. Content, photos and images ©1997-2025 Monica Hübinette and please visit the site index if you get lost. Read our privacy statement.