Monica : photos

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You may already know that Fredrik and I are big fans of Babylon 5, but here is the proof. It just so happened that as I was updating my B5 site, I found an announcement in the newsgroups about a special and exclusive event which J. Michael Straczynski (writer/creator of B5) would be attending in Vancouver, BC. JMS is an extremely busy man and does not do appearances often but since he is now working in BC on a new project (B5: Legend of the Rangers, a TV movie/possible series for the SciFi Channel), he agreed to do this one. So, I had the incredible good luck to participate in a gathering of fans from the Northwest on this very special occasion.

I used Photoshop to brighten up the pictures since they were so dark so I hope they turned out OK. We have a new digital camera that we are still trying to learn how to use properly and the lighting in the lecture hall was very dim. There is a great report (and some more pictures) about the Gathering written by some of the organizers. Also, if you recognize any of the events/pictures/stories that go with these pictures, please email me.

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May 27th, 2001
Dean's (Malcolm) "truth" was that he is a rapper at heart since he did a little rap when he got the mic.
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May 27th, 2001
No really, I don't remember Dean's (Malcolm) "truth" ... sorry!
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May 27th, 2001
Jennie's (Na'Feel) "truth" is yet another one that I don't remember. Boy, my memory sucks!
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May 27th, 2001
JMS starts to take some questions from the audience.
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May 27th, 2001
Ah, I think someone turned up the lights and we got a better picture of the cast of Babylon 5: Legend of the Rangers.
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May 27th, 2001
The cast of B5LR were great sports about chatting with us and answering what was most certainly their first B5 fan experience.
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May 27th, 2001
The Great Maker again, probably answering a question from the audience.
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May 27th, 2001
After the question and answer segment, we file out of the lecture room and get in line for the autograph segment. Here is Fredrik and a new friend to the right of him that we gave a ride to the Gathering, Richard Postgate.
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May 27th, 2001
I snuck around to the head of the line to take a few pictures. You can see JMS, Enid Raye Adams (Firell) and Gus Lynch (Tirk) in between the fans getting autographs.
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May 27th, 2001
Peaking through the line of fans is Warren Takeuchi (Kitaro Sasaki) who is a cutie! I actually chatted with him for a little while after I got my autographs about our common heritage. I am so happy to see an asian in this movie ... especially when an actor of Japanese decent plays a Japanese charactor. Also, it was really sweet when he got embarrassed when I told him how attractive he was. [:)]

photos ( page 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 )

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