Tada! I finally got a job doing stuff that I love ... webstuff!
On December 20th, 1999, I took a position at
RealNetworks doing a whole
bunch of things. My official title is "MSD Web Developer" but I am not
sure if that describes exactly what I do. Suffice it to say that it
has been a great experience so far and I like almost every aspect of
my job. Plus, the best part is that there is so much potential and
opportunities for me now! In fact, I wrote down a
little story about how J. Michael
Straczynski (writer/creator of Babylon 5) inspired me to change my career.
Anyway, enough of me babbling about my new job ... now, back to the
topic you probably came here to see: look at some stuff I have done
on the web.
My now slightly outdated
resume is still posted if anyone cares to take
a look at it. I am not currently looking for a job, so what is the
point in updating it really?

I am a self-taught web developer and I have learned through much
research and experimenting. I have been on the internet since 1992
(that's a lot longer than a lot of people!). I have a good idea of what
works and what looks good (no geoshitties pages for me!). I also write
every bit of HTML code by hand using a text editor called Emacs (Unix).
This way, I have total control over what my source code looks like and
plus, it is just easier with the special RXML (a markup language specific
to my Roxen web server) tags that I use. For
more detailed information about how I develop please read the
about page on hubbe.net or
email me.

April 2000: I finally broke down and redesigned (which we
both did really - I just gave him the push and a starting point)
my husband's website. He is responsible for converting all of his
old pages to the new design. This is a huge improvement from before
... believe me.
February 2000: In case you didn't notice, I totally redesigned
my site which has all the personal pages about me. This is my favorite
design to date. In case you do want to see the
old pages (keep
in mind they were my first attempts to make web pages) feel free to
wander around.
December 1998: Just about the time my favorite band decided to
break up, I made a site dedicated to them. Still, this was a design
that was totally new and different for me.
November 1998: "True Source Code" was a term that I came up
with in order to explain the difference between the source code that
can be viewed from a web browser and the actual HTML code that was
written by the person who wrote it. It explains and shows examples of
what I mean in clear, plain english. Let me know if it helps ...
September 1998: This is my online book and music store. Even
though this site was made in conjuntion with my husband (he mostly
provides some content), I solely designed the store and wrote all the
HTML for it.
June 1998: This is a site devoted to the newest member of our
family. This gave me a lot of knowledge about working with
photographs and making them load quickly while still having them
look decent. I am especially proud of the picture gallary.
January 1998: This was something I thought up in order to
spread good feelings and happiness with anyone who had email and web
access. It uses a form to send out an email and then generates a
personal warm fuzzy page. It is a fun site to work on and visit!