Monica : photos

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photos ( page 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 )

You may already know that Fredrik and I are big fans of Babylon 5, but here is the proof. It just so happened that as I was updating my B5 site, I found an announcement in the newsgroups about a special and exclusive event which J. Michael Straczynski (writer/creator of B5) would be attending in Vancouver, BC. JMS is an extremely busy man and does not do appearances often but since he is now working in BC on a new project (B5: Legend of the Rangers, a TV movie/possible series for the SciFi Channel), he agreed to do this one. So, I had the incredible good luck to participate in a gathering of fans from the Northwest on this very special occasion.

I used Photoshop to brighten up the pictures since they were so dark so I hope they turned out OK. We have a new digital camera that we are still trying to learn how to use properly and the lighting in the lecture hall was very dim. There is a great report (and some more pictures) about the Gathering written by some of the organizers. Also, if you recognize any of the events/pictures/stories that go with these pictures, please email me.

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May 27th, 2001
Another photo of the Great Maker himself.
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May 27th, 2001
Again, a picture of JMS. He gave a great presentation ... like always. Funny!
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May 27th, 2001
JMS instructs John Francis to cue up the blooper tape which covers the entire five seasons and not to "f$ck" it up again. [:)]
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May 27th, 2001
JMS had a nice surprise for us because not only did he bring a sneak peak of the Legend of the Rangers movie trailer, but also a few scenes to boot. But the treats did not end there and JMS asked the cast of B5LR to join us!
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May 27th, 2001
Here is most of the cast of B5LR with the exception of Dylan Neal (David Martel, Captain) and David Storch (Tafeek, Minbari). The actors from left to right: Jennie Hogan (Na'Feel, Narn), Dean Marshall (Malcolm Bridges), Myriam Sirois (Sarah Cantrell), Warren Takeuchi (Kitaro Sasaki), Gus Lynch (Tirk, Drazi), Alex Zahara (Dulann, Minbari), and Enid Raye Adams (Firell, Minbari).
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May 27th, 2001
JMS asked the cast to introduce themselves and tell their "truth" since the scene we just watched, the charactors did the same thing. Enid Raye (Firell) is an interesting gal and she said her truth was something about liking dental floss and something else. Poor JMS was scared of her! [:)]
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May 27th, 2001
Alex's (Dulann) "truth" was that he skipped out of his girlfriend's birthday celebration to be here. I am glad she was so understanding about him being there instead of with her ... guess he has to make it up to her now. [:)]
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May 27th, 2001
Gus' (Tirk) "truth" was about as simple as his charator. To paraphrase, "My name is Gus Lynch and I do a lot of lunges. My name is Gus." Drazi's can be so funny! [:)]
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May 27th, 2001
Now I wished I had a tape recorded or something to suppliment my photos (and my memory). Warren's (Kitaro) "truth" is another one that I cannot remember.
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May 27th, 2001
Myriam's (Sarah) "truth" is another one that I cannot remember.

photos ( page 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 )

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