Monica Mieko Kohler - Everett, WA USA

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Looking for me?

Life is funny.

I was born on June 27, 1972 at 1:52 AM in Everett, Washington USA to Matsuo and Norma Kohler. I lived in Everett, WA for about 20 years of my life and attended Lowell Elementary School, Evergreen Middle School and Everett High School as Monica Kohler.

I have had people look me up recently that I have not heard from in years and I am really glad they have found me. I tend to forget how difficult it is to get in touch with someone, especially after they have changed their name. Men are so much easier to find than women since they usually don't change their last name after they get married. I did the good old fashioned thing and took my husband's name (Hübinette) when I got married. OK, OK, I will fess up ... I took his name because of the umlauts (the two dots over the u) but it sounds better if I said I was old fashioned. [:)]

Anyway, I digress ... I have been happily married for over 4 years now and I have forgotten that I had a whole other name that I was known by for most of my life. It is amazing how that happens. Like I said:

Life is funny.

So, my friend relates his story of trying to look me up on the internet and how he thought it should be easy with me being into computers and all that last time he saw me. Instead, it was quite difficult since I have updated all my pages to have my new last name on them and almost impossible to look me up by any other name.

Ok, I just tried looking myself up in some search engines and did find this one page (located in Sweden) but it was painfully slow to load, didn't even have my correct email address or a link to any other page of mine. It has since been updated (to point to a page that is not all that much better, in my opinion) so I think this page is still necessary. Besides, not everyone is as savvy with the search engines as I am. [:)]

So, congratulations on finding me (creeps and stalkers are not welcome) and hopefully this page made it easier. Feel free to wander around my numerous (and sometimes outdated) web pages to find out more about me or just email me. Just be patient because I don't always check my email on a daily basis because ...

Life is funny.

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There have been 19,943 people fishing around here since January 9th, 2001. The true source code of this page can be viewed at kohler.txt and it was last modified May 23rd, 2002 at 14:28 PST. Content, photos and images ©1997-2024 Monica Hübinette and please visit the site index if you get lost. Read our privacy statement.