Monica : Oregon Coast

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We took a vacation during the first week of May 2002 and went down to the Oregon Coast with the dog. The beach is one of her favorite places in the world you know! That is probably why most of the photos are of Sadie. ;)

Page 1 ...Newport, OR - Our first day at the beach...
Page 2 ...Newport, OR - More beach and outside shots of the B & B...
Page 3 ...Newport, OR - Sand dunes in Newport's South Jetty...
Page 4 ...Newport, OR - More dunes and some tourist photos...
Page 5 ...Newport, OR - Documenting the accommodations in our little cottage...
Page 6 ...Newport, OR - Rock sniffing and tide pool photos...
Page 7 ...Newport, OR - More tide pools and our dog's reaction to them...
Page 8 ...Newport/Cannon Beach, OR - Mostly doggie photos...
Page 9 ...Cannon Beach, OR - Bobbing for treats and Haystack Rock...
Page 10 ...Cannon Beach, OR - Playful pup and chasing birds...

· monica · webstuff · fredrik · photos · kohler · abyss · fuzzy · sadie · toad · dreams · · old ·

There have been 12,173 people fishing around here since May 21st, 2002. The true source code of this page can be viewed at index.txt and it was last modified May 21st, 2002 at 05:40 PST. Content, photos and images ©1997-2024 Monica Hübinette and please visit the site index if you get lost. Read our privacy statement.