We took a vacation during the first week of May 2002 and went down to the Oregon Coast with
the dog. The beach is one of her favorite places in the world you know! That is probably why
most of the photos are of Sadie. ;)
Click on the thumbnail image to see a larger picture.
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Newport, OR - May 7th, 2002
After we have breakfast, we take a quick walk to the beach that is right by us. Remember the
photo from the day before? This is a much better one and a nicer day.
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Newport, OR - May 7th, 2002
There is a Vietnam Vet walk here on the way down to the beach and a memorial as well. I thought
it looked like a really tall gnome hat!
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Newport, OR - May 7th, 2002
Again with the sniffing of the rocks. I dunno ... maybe something died there recently. *smirk*
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Newport, OR - May 7th, 2002
Could have been here? I am sure Sadie knows. :)
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Newport, OR - May 7th, 2002
There I am standing in front of a really green and mossy rock wall.
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Newport, OR - May 7th, 2002
We got a good tip from the owners of the B&B about an area that has nice tide pools. Plus, they
said it would probably be more private too. We walked out of that cleft in the hills there.
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Newport, OR - May 7th, 2002
A nice scenic photo.
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Newport, OR - May 7th, 2002
Sadie's first encounter with tide pools. She doesn't know what to think of them yet.
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Newport, OR - May 7th, 2002
Ok, they are interesting because there is stuff that looks edible! Still, I think I don't dare
venture in!