We took a vacation during the first week of May 2002 and went down to the Oregon Coast with
the dog. The beach is one of her favorite places in the world you know! That is probably why
most of the photos are of Sadie. ;)
Click on the thumbnail image to see a larger picture.
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Newport, OR - May 7th, 2002
Hmm, looks like we are back at the beach by the cottage because there is that really green, mossy
rock wall again.
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Newport, OR - May 7th, 2002
Fredrik isn't the only one with a artistic photo on the beach!
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Newport, OR - May 7th, 2002
Time to call it a day and our first and only photo of the three of us together.
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Newport, OR - May 7th, 2002
Huh, on the day before we leave we find the tourist information. Oh well, we will keep it in
mind for the next time we visit.
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Newport, OR - May 7th, 2002
Pretty flowers and Sadie just loves to walk through them (and any other sort of low growing
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Newport, OR - May 8th, 2002
Want a treat? Well, come and get it! We stop by the South Jetty before we leave Newport and on
to our next destination.
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Newport, OR - May 8th, 2002
Oh yeah, that was worth it! This is one happy dog.
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Cannon Beach, OR - May 8th, 2002
A few hours later we are at Ecola Creek Inn and by now Sadie's breath stinks to high heaven. We
give her a dental ring to chew on and make a mess.
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Cannon Beach, OR - May 8th, 2002
Oops, no flash but Sadie demolishes the dental ring in no time. There are no photos of our room
here since we have stayed here a number of times.