Monica : Oregon Coast - May 2002

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We took a vacation during the first week of May 2002 and went down to the Oregon Coast with the dog. The beach is one of her favorite places in the world you know! That is probably why most of the photos are of Sadie. ;)

Click on the thumbnail image to see a larger picture.

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Cannon Beach, OR - May 9th, 2002
Ah, a new day and we greet it by gazing on good old Haystack Rock!
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Cannon Beach, OR - May 9th, 2002
Sadie start stalking the seagulls on this bright but slighly chilly day.
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Cannon Beach, OR - May 9th, 2002
You can get it Sadie! We started torturing the dog today by throwing treats in the water.
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Cannon Beach, OR - May 9th, 2002
Almost there!
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Cannon Beach, OR - May 9th, 2002
Nose diving and a long stretch. We almost thought she would fall in.
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Cannon Beach, OR - May 9th, 2002
But she got smart and went around to the other side.
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Cannon Beach, OR - May 9th, 2002
She is about to give up because it is deeper than her nose can reach and there is no way she is going under for it.
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Cannon Beach, OR - May 9th, 2002
I end up scooting it to shallower water and we get to see the satisfied look on her dripping wet face. Hmm, and we wonder why she smells funny later? ;)
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Cannon Beach, OR - May 10th, 2002
A new day comes and it is time for us to make our trek to the big rock. Haystack that is.
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Cannon Beach, OR - May 10th, 2002
Sadie and a nice reflection of her.
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Cannon Beach, OR - May 10th, 2002
We both get our feet wet in front of Haystack.
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Cannon Beach, OR - May 10th, 2002
Fredrik takes this photo of Ecola Creek on his way to get us a pizza from town.

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· monica · webstuff · fredrik · photos · kohler · abyss · fuzzy · sadie · toad · dreams · · old ·

There have been 31,862 people fishing around here since May 21st, 2002. The true source code of this page can be viewed at pg9.txt and it was last modified May 21st, 2002 at 05:05 PST. Content, photos and images ©1997-2025 Monica Hübinette and please visit the site index if you get lost. Read our privacy statement.