Monica : Oregon Coast - May 2002

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We took a vacation during the first week of May 2002 and went down to the Oregon Coast with the dog. The beach is one of her favorite places in the world you know! That is probably why most of the photos are of Sadie. ;)

Click on the thumbnail image to see a larger picture.

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Newport, OR - May 6th, 2002
Now that we have much better weather, we decide to go across the bridge to Newport's South Jetty. This beach was recommended by one of Fredrik's co-workers so we decided to give it a shot.
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Newport, OR - May 6th, 2002
I am trying to hold on to the dog as she runs off to smell something or dig in the sand. It was pretty but since the sun was out, it wasn't as bad as it was earlier.
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Newport, OR - May 6th, 2002
Fredrik and Sadie enjoying the dunes.
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Newport, OR - May 6th, 2002
Ack! Get this sand out of my mouth!
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Newport, OR - May 6th, 2002
Wait, what was that? The only time Sadie sits still long enough for a photo is after she has run all over the beach a few times.
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Newport, OR - May 6th, 2002
Ack! No really this sand is annoying!
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Newport, OR - May 6th, 2002
There, much better! Now I can breathe properly again. :)
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Newport, OR - May 6th, 2002
A nice photo of Fredrik on top of a small dune. Sadie is somewhere on the other side of it.
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Newport, OR - May 6th, 2002
Fredrik and Sadie having fun playing on the dune.

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· monica · webstuff · fredrik · photos · kohler · abyss · fuzzy · sadie · toad · dreams · · old ·

There have been 26,709 people fishing around here since May 21st, 2002. The true source code of this page can be viewed at pg3.txt and it was last modified May 21st, 2002 at 04:17 PST. Content, photos and images ©1997-2025 Monica Hübinette and please visit the site index if you get lost. Read our privacy statement.