Monica : ring ideas

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After five years of marriage, I have decided it is time to update my wedding ring. We never meant for it to be the final ring but we didn't have the money or time to pick out something really unique and meaningful. My ring is nice and I will probably incorporate the diamonds into some earrings later on. It will probably be incorporated with some Iolites. You see, my husband is Swedish and the Iolite is the "Gemstone of the Vikings" and we fell in love with the history of the stone. I like the color as long as it is more blushish than violet. The diamonds are .15 ct each and good clarity and color (I just don't have the specifics with me right now). Let me know if you have any ideas!

In any case, I have finally settled on a design (or as much as I can at this point). Here are some photos of various rings which have elements that I want to combine into one ring.

Center stone! This I already have purchased and it is a 1.5ct Asha Flanders. I do not like high set stones so I want this set as low as possible. My ring size is about 6.25 right now but I will measure again when the time gets closer to having the ring made. Also, I want the metal to be in platinum and I want it set at an angle as shown in the following photo:
Shank! I want to put some channel set stones into the shank. I don't like the box-y look of most channel set so I want it to be tapered as it gets closer to the center stone as shown in the next photo:
Color! As nice as this would look with diamonds, I want a little color in my ring. Sapphires will work just nicely but I will want softer or brighter color Sapphires since I don't really care for the really dark, dark color.

Here is a ring that I found that is close to what I am after (low set center stone, more stones than metal showing in the channel setting, etc.) that has Sapphires channel set into the shank:

Side details! I think it is charming to have some scroll work (like the ring above) or 18K gold circles or small diamonds set into the side of the ring (like the ring below). I hope it doesn't make the ring look too busy so I haven't quite decided on this part yet:
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There have been 6,476 people fishing around here since May 22nd, 2002. The true source code of this page can be viewed at wedring.txt and it was last modified June 5th, 2002 at 13:55 PST. Content, photos and images ©1997-2025 Monica Hübinette and please visit the site index if you get lost. Read our privacy statement.