Monica : photos

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photos (

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April 28th, 2001
Paul and Gina have just lit their unity candle and have taken a flower from the table ...
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April 28th, 2001
... and presented the flower to their mother's which I learned later was a complete surprise. It was the most moving part of the entire ceremony and I got quite misty eyed.
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April 28th, 2001
Lots of movement with hugging and kissing with the family and it got quite blurry.
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April 28th, 2001
The bride and groom are declared "Man and Wife" and the big kiss occurs.
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April 28th, 2001
Ack! Too much movement as the new husband and wife exit down the aisle next to us. Ah well.
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April 28th, 2001
A picture of Reverand Stephanie Hankey and it is a bit fuzzy since I forgot to turn on the flash.
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April 28th, 2001
Some of the wedding party, from left to right: the Maid of Honor (Lisa Vooris), Bridesmaid (Shannon Rochon), Candlelighter (Kaitlyn Conforti), Bridesmaid (Bridgett Maillet), Paul's mother and his Step-Father (I believe and I apologize for not remembering their names!).
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April 28th, 2001
Some of the wedding guests awaiting to greet the new husband and wife.
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April 28th, 2001
Here they are ... Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grenier!
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April 28th, 2001
Everyone greets the new couple with a shower of bubbles and smiles.

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· monica · webstuff · fredrik · photos · kohler · abyss · fuzzy · sadie · toad · dreams · · old ·

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