Monica : photos

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photos (

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April 28th, 2001
A great shot of the church from the east. It was a quaint little church in Anacortes, WA.
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April 28th, 2001
Again the church from the south-southeast direction. It was a nice day that sprinkled a little bit but it was dry during the ceremony.
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April 28th, 2001
An inside (and slightly crocked) view of the church. I am standing toward the back of the church, looking at the alter.
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April 28th, 2001
An attempt to get a picture of the stained glass windows on the back of the church. This is approximately 180 degrees from the previous picture.
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April 28th, 2001
This is to the left of where we were seated and it is of the stained glass windows and the left of the alter area.
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April 28th, 2001
A better picture of the stained glass windows to the left of where we were seated.
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April 28th, 2001
I turned around and took a picture of the stained glass window and the entrance.
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April 28th, 2001
A slightly fuzzy picture of the alter. These pictures were our first experience using our new camera so some of these pictures are experimental.
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April 28th, 2001
While we were waiting for the ceremony to begin, we decided to photograph one of the lights on the ceiling.
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April 28th, 2001
Soon, it begins with the Candlelighter lighting the candles. She had a bit of trouble with a few of them but still carried off her duties just fine despite the difficulties. From this point forward, flash photography is not allowed so the images may be more out of focus than normal due to the amount of light.

photos (

· monica · webstuff · fredrik · photos · kohler · abyss · fuzzy · sadie · toad · dreams · · old ·

There have been 20,845 people fishing around here since May 2nd, 2001. The true source code of this page can be viewed at paulwedding_pg1.txt and it was last modified May 29th, 2001 at 01:53 PST. Content, photos and images ©1997-2025 Monica Hübinette and please visit the site index if you get lost. Read our privacy statement.