Monica : photos

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photos (

[card_outside.jpg (13 Kb)]
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April 29th, 2001
A picture of the card I got them. It took a while to find it but thanks to my husband, I finally found the perfect card for them.
[card_inside.jpg (19 Kb)]
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April 29th, 2001
A view of the inside of the card with everyone's signatures.
[card_inside_top.jpg (19 Kb)]
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April 29th, 2001
A detailed view of the inside top of the card.
[card_inside_bottom.jpg (20 Kb)]
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April 29th, 2001
A detailed view of the inside bottom of the card.
[card_inside_left.jpg (11 Kb)]
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April 29th, 2001
A detailed view of the inside left side of the card.
[Emily_wreath.jpg (26 Kb)]
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April 29th, 2001
This is the wreath for Emily and the decorations match her room.
[Emily_wreath_moneybow.jpg (25 Kb)]
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April 29th, 2001
A detailed view of the twenty dollar bill I folded into a bow.
[Emily_wreath_moneyheart.jpg (28 Kb)]
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April 29th, 2001
A detailed view of the twenty dollar bill I folded into the shape of a heart.
[Emily_wreath_N.jpg (25 Kb)]
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April 29th, 2001
A detailed view of the north section of the wreath.
[Emily_wreath_NE.jpg (26 Kb)]
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April 29th, 2001
A detailed view of the northeast section of the wreath.

photos (

· monica · webstuff · fredrik · photos · kohler · abyss · fuzzy · sadie · toad · dreams · · old ·

There have been 20,192 people fishing around here since May 2nd, 2001. The true source code of this page can be viewed at emilyevan_pg1.txt and it was last modified May 2nd, 2001 at 04:19 PST. Content, photos and images ©1997-2024 Monica Hübinette and please visit the site index if you get lost. Read our privacy statement.