Monica : New House

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Our new house that we are in the process of buying. 4 Bedrooms, 3 Full Baths, 3-Car Garage, 2,118 Sq. Ft., Built in 1996, Vaulted ceilings/skylights and more!

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Looking at the house from the street. That tree in front needs a good haircut. [70 KB] Walked up the front yard to get a better view of the overgrown tree and entry. [79 KB] The main windows are from the living room. [81 KB] Turned a bit to see part of the deck and our agent, Jaye. [88 KB]
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The deck is off the dining room and we are looking at the defective siding. [68 KB] Turning to the west and looking up the hill to barely see the next property above. [77 KB] Not much of a "back yard" but that is perfect for us. [68 KB] From the north side of the house, we take a look at the "back yard" again. [51 KB]
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This is the end of the garage. We are thinking about making a dog run with access to the garage. [51 KB] Looking back where we took the previous photo, the north side of the house. [60 KB] Back on the front lawn taking a picture of our "view". It is a protected wooded area with a creek in it. [66 KB] The "view" again, this time looking at where the cul-de-sac begins. [57 KB]
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Standing at the top of the stairs looking at the entryway. [28 KB] Standing at the top of the entry stairway for a photo of me fixing my hair and the living room. [27 KB] Standing in between the dining room and living room. Doorway at the end of the hall is the master bedroom. [25 KB] Turning a bit to get the entry light and window. [23 KB]
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Stepping back into the dining room to get more of the living room area. [27 KB] Basically did a 180 degree turn to look at the dining room. Sliding door goes to the deck. [35 KB] Looking at the deck from the dining room. [56 KB] Standing in the dining room for a view of the kitchen and two skylights. [37 KB]
photos ( page 1 - 2 )

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