Monica : New Fishtank

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I got a new fishtank the other day since all my fish in the old one had died. There were a few items that needed replacing (filter and light hood) and ironically, it was cheaper to buy a whole new tank than to replace those items. Of course, I spent more money that I needed to and I bought an Eclipse 12-gallon glass tank. It has been up and running for a few weeks now and I have filled up the tank already!

    So far I have:
    • 2 Dwarf Blue Male Gouramis
    • 5 Black Phantom Tetras
    • 1 Leopard Cory
    • 1 Rainbow Shark
    • 1 Chinese Algae Eater

I still need names for all of them so feel free to send me your suggestion!

Click on the thumbnail image to see a larger picture.

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July 14th, 2002
A good shot of the entire tank. The top looks a bit empty but it is 18 inches tall and the plants have just started growing. You can see one of the Gouramis in the middle there.
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July 14th, 2002
I took these photos pretty late so I think the fishies were ready for bed. They mostly huddled in the right side of the tank. There is that Gourami again and the Tetras are starting to peak out from behind the log.
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July 14th, 2002
There comes the rest of the Tetras and you can even see the Rainbow Shark (the dark gray one with bright red fins) eating some algae from the log as well.
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July 14th, 2002
Over on the left side of the tank, the Chinese Algae Eater was hanging out on the side of the glass. I tried to take it when there were other fish in the frame but they seem to like the other side better.
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July 14th, 2002
This is my newest addition to the landscape of the tank. Not sure what it is made out of but it is slightly porous natural rock. It is sandblasted into these neat shapes and patterns. I am very pleased how it looks in there.
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July 14th, 2002
Another overall shot of the tank and you can see the little Leopard Cory in the bottom, right corner at last. The little gray and red blur is the Rainbow Shark again. The Gouramis like to hide behind the logs so that is probably where they are at right now.
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July 14th, 2002
A decent tank photo with almost all the fish displayed. All five Tetras are out on the right side of the tank with one of the Gouramis leading the way. The Cory is cleaning away on the bottom in the middle of the tank and the Rainbow Shark is swimming right under the pump intake.
[img_2364.jpg (47 Kb)]
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July 14th, 2002
Tired of my fish yet? Here is the Chinese Algae Eater, the Rainbow Shark (he never stays still) and the five Tetras again. Even the Cory is there on the bottom, right corner and a Gourami peaking out from behind the log.
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July 14th, 2002
A Gourami (I can never tell if this is the same one or if they switch places) and a semi-decent photo of the Rainbow Shark at last. He is swimming behind the plants to the bottom left of the tank.
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July 14th, 2002
Hey, I finally got the Gouramis together in one photo! Yes, you do see three but one is a reflection. Also, a couple Tetras and the Algae Eater have moved to the opposite side of the tank.
[img_2369.jpg (41 Kb)]
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July 14th, 2002
A less than ideal photo of the Gouramis but a pretty clear shot of two of the Black Phantom Tetras. A third can be seen swimming below them but he is pretty blurry.

photos ( page 1 )

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