Please read the latest news and history about this web ring. (Last updated: January 2002) Please feel free to join this web ring and I only ask that the page you submit has content that relates in some way or another to Toad the Wet Sprocket (or one of their ex-members). It doesn't really matter how remote it is but just so you know, I will be looking over each site personally to verify this. If you are submitting a site that contains frames, the first page that pops up on the URL that you are submitting must contain the ring HTML code fragment. Otherwise, your site will become a dead-end and the webring will cease to function properly. Please email me if there is a problem with this or you have another option that I should consider.
![]() The process is very simple and you just need to follow the instructions after clicking on the link above. You will need to add either an HTML fragment or a SSNB (Server-Side Navigation Bar) to your page. The SSNB is the easiest to add since it is one line of code that you will need to add to your web page. Just keep in mind, that you must add it to the page with the exact URL that you submitted for the SSNB to work.
This ring does not get a lot of pages submitted and those that do end
up disappearing. This probably has a lot to do with the band no longer
being together and it is hard to keep web pages updated. Please be patient
... Good luck and thanks for dropping by!
Please visit my Ring Members page after joining to help you get started. (Last updated: January 2002)