(swim up)

Monica's Collection of
Quotes and Poems

(swim deeper)

This started out as my .plan file ages ago. When it got too long to fit on most people's screens, I moved it to the web. I think that was how this all got started ... from wanting to put this information on a web page! Now it has grown into this and it keeps getting bigger as I add stuff to it now and then. It is just a collection of quotes, poems, songs and anything else that catches my interest. First of all, here are some shortcuts to help you find things easier ...


Someplace to the right of friendship and to the left of love...
--Jeff Tsuruoka, my best friend, describing our relationship perfectly.

Love is strange and wonderful.
Fredrik Hübinette, my husband.

The old saying was: Marry an old man because they are mature.
The saying now is: Marry a young man because men don't mature.
Rita Rudner (a comedian)

Local dominatrix ISP seeks submissive PC for bottom. PPP, SLIP ok.
--personal ad humor about
Blarg! by Nicholas Hart

We are Blarg. Resistance is futile. You will be connected.
--humor by Jessica, Chief Blargette at

Written by myself, people that I have known and one famous person.

My Love

Fate has put us so far apart,
The injustices of life are so frustrating
Because just thinking about you
Makes me ache deep down in my heart.

I wonder if someone dislikes us above...
For I can only wait, dream and hope
That we can find a means to meet
And be given a chance to find love.

~Monica Mieko Hübinette~

  _/                       \_
 / Deep cystal blue clouds,  \_____
| Clearing my mind of all thoughts,\
|  I am an airhead.                 |
 \        ~Neda Lynn Halverson~    /

The baby bat
Screamed out in fright,
"Turn on the dark,
I'm afraid of the light!"

~ Shel Silverstein~

Ode to the Woman He Once Loved

Across the sea you are from me,
   Through miles of empty space,
O how I long for you to be
   In my arms, a warm embrace.
I'll count the days until you are near,
   For the day we finally meet,
You're the one I hold most dear,
   To make my life complete.

~Khanh Mai~

Somewhere in the distance,
   When, when we fall in love again
The planets will be dancing,
   As the moon plays violin.
We'll laugh at all the silly things
   That we've both said and done
We'll step into forever
   On the bright side of the sun.

~Michael Dean Ackerman~

Monica (in Dutch)

Het zoete gezicht van Monica.
Verkleurend door de regenboog.

Maar zo is ze helemaal niet:
Lachend is ze.
"brom gets out the whips and chains."
Zoals ik 's ochtends ben
is zij 's avonds.

Een foto kan zo misleidend zijn.
Alle relaties zijn leuk,
behlave die met haar
en rozen.

Maar dat is ook niet alles,
's ochtends nietszeggend
niet etend
zo stil soms
dat ik er bijna eng van werd.

Niet dat ik zo
veelzeggend ben.

ondanks mijn plan,
ga ik het nauwelijks
over mezelf hebben.

8-5-1995 (1006)
Maarten Hofman~

Monica (in English)

The sweet face of Monica.
Miscoloured by the rainbow.

But she isn't like that at all:
Laughing is she.
"brom gets out the whips and chains."
Like I'm in the morning
she is at night.

A picture can be so misleading.
All relationships are fun,
except those with her
and roses.

But that isn't everything either,
saying nothing in the morning
not eating
so silent sometimes
that I get a creepy feeling.

Not that I
say so much.

forgetting my plan,
I'm going to write hardly
about myself.

Good night,
8-5-1995 (1006)
~Maarten Hofman~

Ask me the hue of your eyes
and I shall falter
But ask the musk of your hair
         the sound of your voice
         your warmth in my arms
And I shall Tell all

When your eyes shut
I carressed your brow
and you smiled
and became an Angel

travel in my company
join hand with mine
I'll show you worlds
You've scarced imagined

My eyes see wonder
My soul feels the world
and your gentle presence
brings beauty and joy

~Mikel L. Matthews Jr. (aka Ghoul)~

Quotes from Movies and T.V.
Babylon 5 sound clips courtesy of the
Down Below Sound Archive.

A good story should provoke discussion, debate, argument ... and the occasional bar fight.
--J. Michael Straczynski (writer and creator of
Babylon 5)

Too many TV shows are about answers -- easy answers that you get just before the last commercial. I wanted to do a TV show about questions -- hard questions. Because knowing how to ask the right question is more important than getting the easy answer.
--J. Michael Straczynski's acceptance speak for winning a Hugo for " Severed Dreams".

Find what excites you, and do it. Follow your joy; the rest will take care of itself.
--J. Michael Straczynski

It's a strange thing but every sentient race has its own version of these Swedish meatballs. I suspect it's one of those great universal mysteries which will either never be explained or which will drive you mad if you ever learned the truth.
--G'Kar of
Babylon 5 [sound icon] (WAV 167K) (MP3 47K)

Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter.
--G'Kar of Babylon 5 [sound icon] (WAV 46K) (MP3 14K)

I have seen what power does. And I have seen what power costs. The one is never equal to the other.
--G'Kar of Babylon 5 [sound icon] (WAV 86K) (MP3 25K)

There is nothing to fear in the dreaming, only that which we bring with us. The dreaming takes us forward and the dreaming takes us back.
--Dukhat of
Babylon 5 [sound icon] (WAV 99K) (MP3 28K)

When others do a foolish thing, you should tell them it is a foolish thing. They can still continue to do it, but at least the truth is where it needs to be.
--Dukhat of Babylon 5 [sound icon] (WAV 93K) (MP3 27K)

May God stand between you and harm in all the empty places where you must walk.
--Old Egyptian blessing given by Captain Sheridan and spoken by Commander Susan Ivanova of
Babylon 5 [sound icon] (WAV 64K) (MP3 19K)

What are a few million lives compared to the glory of becoming a living God!
--Emperor Cartagia of
Babylon 5 [sound icon] (WAV 76K) (MP3 23K)

Only those whose lives are brief can imagine that love is eternal. You should embrace that remarkable illusion. It may be the greatest gift your race has ever recieved.
--Lorien of
Babylon 5 [sound icon] (WAV 76K) (MP3 24K)

Touch passion when it comes your way Steven. It's rare enough as it is. Don't walk away when it calls you by name.
--Marcus of
Babylon 5 [sound icon] (WAV 93K) (MP3 27K)

In my experience; if you cannot say what you mean, you can never mean what you say.
--Centari Prime's Minister of Intelligence to Londo Molari of
Babylon 5

Londo: This is like being nibbled to death by ... uhm ... pah ... What are those Earth creatures called? Feathers, long bill, webbed feet, go quack?
Vir: Cats.
Londo: Cats. I'm being nibbled to death by cats.
--from Babylon 5 [sound icon] (WAV 190K) (MP3 53K)

It's stronger than me. Being with you is stronger than me alone.
--Clark Kent from the
New Adventures of Lois & Clark

Superman is what I can do. Clark Kent is who I am.
--Clark Kent from the New Adventures of Lois & Clark

George: Don't you see? Woman like that are like members of a secret tribe living in a forbidden city. People like me have not been inside in thousands of years. But, with this [photo of a beautiful woman], it's like I've already been with one of their own!
Elaine: Well, you've cracked it. I warned the Queen you were getting close and, now it looks like we're gonna have to move the whole damn forbidden city!
--from Seinfeld

Men are like linoleum. If you lay them right, you can walk all over them for 30 years.
--Brett Butler from
Grace Under Fire

Vizzini: No more rhymes now, I mean it!
Fezzik: Anybody want a peanut?
--from The Princess Bride

Quotes from Books
Is all that we see or seem, but a dream within a dream?
Edgar Allan Poe

When we were in each other's arms, I knew something that was beyond words. It was the mystery of being close to someone who is not family. My heart dropped out, and I was feeling what people fear the most; I touched the depest despair a person can know. I was lonely. Hideously lonely. This was the worst. If I could get through this, morning would come, and I knew without a doubt that I would have fun again, laugh out loud. If only the sun would rise. If only morning would come.
--excerpt from Kitchen by
Banana Yoshimoto

From the moment we met, I was a butterfly that flew into the space that was his soul...
--excerpt from N.P. by Banana Yoshimoto

Intelligence develops at differing rates. It's a mistake to decree that a year's progress must take place within exactly one year, no more and no less.
--excerpt from
Akira Kurosawa's: Something Like an Autobiography

When someone is told over and over again that he's no good at something, he loses more and more confidence and eventually does become poor at it. Conversely, if he's told he's good at something, his confidence builds and he actually becomes better at it. While a person is born with strengths and weaknessess as part of his heredity, they can be greatly altered by later influences.
--excerpt from Akira Kurosawa's: Something Like an Autobiography

As if Japan weren't small enough to begin with, I fail to understand why it is necessary to think of it in even smaller units. No matter where I go in the world, although I can't speak any foreign language, I don't feel out of place. I think of the earth as my home. If everyone thought this way, people might notice just how foolish international friction is, and they would put an end to it.
--excerpt from Akira Kurosawa's: Something Like an Autobiography

A famous haiku by Bashoo:

--excerpt from Akira Kurosawa's: Something Like an Autobiography

...people are subject to what is called destiny. This destiny lies not so much in their environment or their position in life as within their individual personality as it adapts to that environment and that position.
--excerpt from Akira Kurosawa's: Something Like an Autobiography

If a meaningless person says something is meaningless, that's probably proof that it isn't meaningless; and if a boring person says something is boring, that's probably proof that it's interesting.
--excerpt from Akira Kurosawa's: Something Like an Autobiography

I am not a special person. I am not especially strong; I am not especially gifted. I simply do not like to show my weakness, and I hate to lose, so I am a person who tries hard. That's all there is to me.
--excerpt from Akira Kurosawa's: Something Like an Autobiography

At dawn Jay turned towards Lillian lying beside him and his first kiss reached her through the net of her hair. Her eyes were closed, her nerves asleep, but under his hand her body slipped down a dune into warm waves lapping over each other, rippling her skin. Jay's sensual thrusts wakened the dormant walls of flesh, and tongues of fire flicked towards his hard lashings piercing the kernal of mercury, disrupting a current of fire through the veins. The burning fluid of ecstacy eddying madly and breaking, loosening a river of pulsations. The core of ecstacy bursting to the rhythmic pounding, until his hard thrusts spurted burning fluid against the walls of flesh, impulsion within the womb like a thunderbolt.
--excerpt from Children of the Albatross by
Anaïs Nin

Words are magical. Intellectual banquets. Orgies of ideas.
--Anaïs Nin

The greatest suffering does not come from living, from mirages, from the unattainable dreams of Don Quixote, but from AWAKENING. There is no greater pain than awakening from a dream.
--Anaïs Nin Diary Volume IV

"Flirt" is a mild word for my behavior. I like to arouse feelings, and I like to pretend. I like to create confidence between the man I am interested in and me, so that I may know him well, deeply, and so that he may know me, and enjoy me, without ever owning me. I give a great deal, too, so that I may have no remorse.
--excerpt from Anaïs Nin Diary entry July 16, 1928

Quotes from Songs
i fear my time is short
there are armies moving close
be quick, my love
--Pray Your Gods by
Toad the Wet Sprocket [sound icon] (WAV 123K) (MP3 35K)

and i wasn't looking for heaven or hell
just someone to listen to stories i tell
--Stories I Tell by Toad the Wet Sprocket [sound icon] (WAV 199K) (MP3 56K)

you can take me down
to show me your home
not the place where you live
but the place where you belong
--Something to Say by Toad the Wet Sprocket [sound icon] (WAV 193K) (MP3 54K)

If you can't change the world. Change yourself.
And if you can't change yourself then...change your world.
--Lonely Planet by
TheThe [sound icon] (WAV 168K) (MP3 48K)

And I am calling you, calling you from 10,000 miles away
Won't you wet my fire with your love, babe?
--Blood and Fire by the
Indigo Girls [sound icon] (WAV 218K) (MP3 61K)

I am intense, I am in need,
I am in pain, I am in love.
--Blood and Fire by the Indigo Girls [sound icon] (WAV 212K) (MP3 31K)

So we must love while these moments are still called today
Take part in the pain of this passion play
--History of Us by the Indigo Girls [sound icon] (WAV 182K) (MP3 51K)

Don't whipsper love and dream of wedding bells
Don't do all the talking, let love speak up itself
--Let Love Speak Up Itself by
The Beautiful South [sound icon] (WAV 282K) (MP3 40K)

You can't have too many good times, children
You can't have too many lines
Take a good look at these crow's feet
Sitting on the prettiest eyes
--Prettiest Eyes by The Beautiful South [sound icon] (WAV 172K) (MP3 49K)

I'll sail this ship alone
Between the pain and the pleasure
I'll sail this ship alone
Amongst the sharks and the treasure
--I'll Sail This Ship Alone by The Beautiful South [sound icon] (WAV 192K) (MP3 54K)

There's a shark shaped fin
In the water of my dreams
Alligator screams
From the depths there.
I'd swim with you there.
--Fripp by
Catherine Wheel [sound icon] (WAV 317K) (MP3 88K)

There have been 3,750 fishies swimming in these waters since February 8th, 2000. The true source code of this page can be viewed at quotes.txt and it was last modified February 8th, 2000 at 01:44 PST. Content ©1997-2025 Monica Hübinette and please visit the site index if you get lost. Read our privacy statement.