Monica Hübinette
Something Fishy is Going on Here!


I'll sail this ship alone ~ Between the pain and the pleasure ~ I'll sail this ship alone ~ Amongst the sharks and the treasure. --I'll Sail This Ship Alone by The Beautiful South    (WAV 192Kb)    (MP3 53Kb)

May God stand between you and all the dark places you must go. --Old Egyptian blessing given by Captain Sheridan of Babylon 5
   (WAV 65Kb)    (MP3 18Kb)

While a person is born with strengths and weaknessess as part of his heredity, they can be greatly altered by later influences. --Akira Kurosawa (Something Like an Autobiography)

It's stronger than me. Being with you is stronger than me alone. --Clark Kent

It's stronger than me. Being with you is stronger than me alone. --Clark Kent

If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it? --English Paradox

If you drink, don't park; accidents cause people. --Daily Dose of Zen

(This is a work in progress ... please be patient!)


There have been 6,396 people fishing around here since February 8th, 2000. The true source code of this page can be viewed at index.txt and it was last modified October 2nd, 2001 at 19:37 PST. Content, photos and images ©1997-2024 Monica Hübinette and please visit the site index if you get lost. Read our privacy statement.